Gender Violence

Gender can be termed as male, female or a transgender. No matter what the person has achieved in his/her life, no matter what he/she is doing in today's world, there exists a violence to the people just because of their gender. Not only are women victimized by this, but men are also equally victimized.


In today's world, where people boast about their intelligence and modernism, it is actually shocking that gender violence still exists.

Females- Even if she is wearing short dresses or burkhas, even if she is a two months old baby or a sixty year old woman, she has been victimized just because she is a girl. The females can't go to work, they can't study, they have no right to make an eye contact with others, they can't talk more than it is required. Even though such practices have reduced to a great extent, it still exists in the rural parts of the world.

Males- They can't cry, they can't cook food, they can't express their feelings. Such thoughts in the society, till today, exists. In many cases even if the male is correct, the female gets justice just because she is a 'female' and she seems 'innocent'.

Transgender- Today, in many parts of the world, transgenders have been accepted. But still, they are being harassed, teased and mentally tortured just because of their gender.


The things included above may seem like a stereotype but the truth is that it still exists. Even if the violence doesn't exist physically, it exists verbally and mentally. No matter what our gender is, we are all a part of this world and have been contributing for its development. Every person is special in their own way and we as a 'modern individual' should understand this and make efforts to stop gender violence. Even if we can't take big steps such as conducting a rally or an awareness program, we can stop gender violence in our family or society because after all 'a small step can lead to a bigger change'.

Ishita Agrawal

Grade (X)