Winter Vacation Homework 2075

Grade II

Nepali Handwriting:  Everyday 1-1 page

Maths:  Worksheet given

English Handwriting:  Do 1 page per day

Science : Draw or paste the pictures of any  20 food items you eat and write whether they are body building  protective or energy giving food. (Make a booklet)

ORC: Read lesson 11 ‘The pigeon and the Ant’ and do page 72 ex-B and C in a copy

RTC workbook: Do lesson 7, 8 and 9 (all in the book)

Graded III

Science: Make a booklet on Solar System (explain and draw all the planets) Draw phases of moon in the same booklet.

LTC:  lesson 4, 5 and 7 in workbook.

Grammar:  Define all eight parts of speech and do Review 1, 2 and 3 in ex- copy

Nepali: Dainiki

Grade IV

Grammar: Define all eight parts of speech and do Rewiew 1, 2 and 3 in vacation homework copy.

LTC:  lesson 4 and 5 in workbook

Shrinkhakla: Do all exercise of lesson 7, 14 and 19

Maths:  Do all exercise form faction

Science: Do all things to know form taught lessons

Grade V

English:  One page handwriting daily (Make a new copy)

ORC: Read lesson 6, 12, 15 and 17 and do the questions answers given at the back of each lesson

LTC workbook- Page 16, Read C and do page 17.  Page 25, Read B and do the question and answers.  Page 44, Read B and do Page 45.

Social: Make a booklet on our National luminaries.

Shrinkhala:  Do all exercise of chapter 12, 16 and 21.

 Science: Things to know form all taught lessons.

Maths:  Do all exercise from fraction.

 Grade VI

Social: Make a booklet on Indus Valley Civilization and Nile Valley civilization.

Nepali: Do all exercise from chapter 16, 18 and 20.

English-ORC-Lesson 6, 9, 15, 17. Read the lesson and do the question answers given at the back of each lesson (Exercise A and B only)

Shakespeare- The Tempest, Two Gentlemen of Verone and The Merchant of Venice. Read the lesson and write the summary

G.K-Complete all the exercises.

C.Maths :     

Pg. 11. Q.N 1-c, 2 –d, 3 –w, 4-b, 5-b, 6,7,8 all

Pg. 13 Q.N 2all                                                       

Pg.  25 Q.N 1(h, k, l) 3-d

Pg. 45 Q.N 3(a, d, e, h)                                           

Pg. 68 Q.N. 2(b, d, g, I, k, l) 4-d, 5(b, c)

Pg. 74 Q.N 3 (e, g, l)                                               

Pg.75 Q.N 7 (a, d) 8 –b, 9 –c, 10-a, 11-a

Pg. 77 all                                                                  

Pg. 96 Q.N 5, 7 all

Pg. 101 Q.N 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-a                                

Pg. 104 Q.N 1-c, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b, 5 (b, d, c)

Pg.  108 Q.N. 7all                                                     

Pg. 112 Q.N.  6-b

Pg. 110 Q.N.  8 all                                                    

Pg. 134 Q.N. 5 all  

Pg. 137 Q.N. 5 all                                                   

Pg. 139 Q.N. 4 all

Pg. 142 Q.N. 4 all                                                    

Pg.  182 Q.N.  5(g, k) 6 all

Pg. 187 Q.N. 2(I, j, k,) 6, 7 all                                 

Pg. 193 Q.N. 2 (c, g, j, o, p)

Pg. 199 Q.N. 3-f, 4-b, 5-d, 6-c

Grade VII


1. Make the atomic structure of first tem elements by using thread, buttons, seeds, bangles Etc. Also, explain about each element.

2.  Collect and dry the monocot and dicot leaves of different plants and paste it.  Explain about Monocotyledon and dicotyledon plants (at least 5 plants of each type)

Note:  Do the homework in your science folder

 English-ORC-Lesson 7,11,15,20. Read the lesson and do the question answers given at the back of each lesson (Exercise A and B only)

Shakespeare- King Lear, Two Gentlemen of Verona and the Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet. Read the lesson and write the summary

Social:   Project work on Medieval Nepal.

 Maths- Compulsory Math-

Pg 15 Q.NO. 5, 6                                                                  

Pg. 23 Q. No. 1, 5

Pg. 26 Q. No 1,2,3,4 (1 question from each)                          

Pg. 36 Q. No. 3 (all)

Pg. 37 Q. No 6,7  (all)                                                          

Pg. 41 Q No. 3,4 (3 questions from each)

Pg. 66 Q. No. 3 (f,k,l), 5 (b,d) , 6 (b)                                    

Pg. 71 Q. No. 4 (h, k, l), 5 (b, e, f) , 6 (d, e, f)

Pg. 72 Q. No. 7 (d), 8 (b), 9 (d), 10 (a)                                  

Pg. 76 Q. No. 3 (h, k, l)

Pg. 86 Q. No. 8 (all)                                                              

Pg. 90 Q. No. 4 (b, d) , 5 (c, e, g)

Pg. 94 Q. No 6 (b, c, d)                                                        

Pg. 95 Q. No. 7 (all)

Pg. 98 Q. No. 3, 4 (all)                                                         

Pg. 104 Q. No. 6 (b), 8 (a), 9 (c) , 10 (d)

Pg. 114 Q. No. 6 (all)                                                            

Pg. 124 Q. No. 8 (all)

Pg. 127 Q. No. 2 (all)                                                            

Pg 148 Q. No. 2 (all)

Pg. 194 Q. No. 3 (all)                                                            

Pg. 198 Q. No. 3 (all)

 O. Math:    

Pg 32 do all questions

Pg. 47 Q.N 2 all, Pg 77, Q.N 3,4 all, Pg. 80 all

 Grade VIII

 Social: DLE Model Set

 Accounts:  Do all exercise form chapter filing.

 C. Maths :  Solve set 1 to  10 in register with proper margin

 Grade IX

  Science:  Lesson 1-5, 8- 11, 16 -19 (Do the 1marks and 2Marks questions from set book of given Lesson)

 O. Maths/ C.Maths:  – set 1-10 all the questions from taught chapter.         

Accounts:  Do all exercise form chapter Business


Chudamani Gautam-

Pg 148 Ex 26 (Active and Passive) exercise a-i

Pg 334 Ex 53 (Direct and Indirect) Exercise (a-m)

Pg 118 Ex 21 (Tenses) Exercise a-x

Do the fill in the blanks in the book only. Remaining in your grammar copy.


Lesson 5, 7,12,17,18 and 22. Read all the lessons and do the question and answers given at the back of each lesson. (Exercise A, B and C)