Photography Challenge

Photography Challenge 2076

Who can participate?

Students of Shikshantar school studying in grade 8, 9 & 10.

What is the theme?

Students can capture anything seen in the environment that can be relevant to nature, social, cultural anything that shows some story. They cannot capture things that are illegal, against the norms and values of society. 

When can we submit the photographs?

Students are requested to submit the printed and soft copy of photographs on 1st of Bhadra 2076 at 10a.m. 

When is the result?

The result will be published on 2nd Bhadra 2076 on the occasion of World Photography Day.



1. Photos clicked by students of Shikshantar is only eligible i.e. you cannot collect pictures from internet or use others copyright.

2. A single participant can submit up to 3 photographs.

3. The photos should be original creation of the students.

4. Students are requested to take the photos horizontally but vertically clicked photos or selfies are also valid.

5. The students should submit a printed copy of the photograph along with its soft copy.

6. The printed photos should be min. of (8*10) size.

7. Images will be judged on the basis of originality, creativity and relevance to the theme besides their artistic and visual appearance.

8. Photos can be edited slightly, such as colour correction, light balance, saturation… etc..

9. Adding external object and text in the photo is not allowed.